Feelings of loneliness can be very common during a significant transition or change in environment, especially if you won’t be able to easily connect in person with friends from school. While there are no doubt benefits of alone time and disconnecting, maintaining social connections is key to feeling fulfilled. Check out these tips for finding ways to feel socially connected during the summer.

Minimize Your Time on Social Media
While spending time on social media may seem like a good way to stay connected during summertime, it can actually make your feelings of loneliness worse. Playing the social media comparison game can make you feel depleted and discouraged. It’s okay to check in once in a while to see what your friends are up to, but make sure to do so in moderation!
Throw a Powerpoint Party
Have you ever heard of a Powerpoint party? It’s exactly what it sounds like. Each guest prepares a presentation on a topic of their choice. It can be anything from superlatives for the friend group to reality TV show predictions to a persuasive presentation on which pasta shape is best and why. The possibilities are endless! Pick a theme or just let everyone have free reign. This is a great way to reconnect with old friends and stay connected to new friends!
Send Snail Mail
While a text message or phone call can certainly help you feel connected to long distance friends, nothing beats the feeling of getting an old-fashioned letter or postcard! Exchange addresses with your friends and send each other fun snail mail. A postcard from your hometown or where you’re spending your summer can be a fun way to share your experiences with friends and learn more about one another!
Visit Your Local Library
Did you know that most local libraries host no-cost social events that are open to the public? If you find yourself needing a way to fill the day or get out of the house, check out your town library’s website for free events they may be hosting. From game nights and book clubs, to movie screenings and trivia competitions, there’s often something for everyone! These events can also be great opportunities to meet new friends in your community. If all else fails, the library will be full of books (and often movies) you can check out for some entertainment on your own!
Have a Virtual Watch Party
You can’t go wrong with watching a TV show or a movie with a friend or group of friends. And the best part…everyone can tune in no matter where they are! Many streaming platforms include a watch party function or allow use of a watch party extension, enabling groups to watch a movie together and chat at the same time.
Engage a Mentor
Regardless of where you are within your school and career journey, a mentor can add a lot of value and provide support personally and professionally. You can check with your school to see if a formal mentoring program is already established, or, if you’re already working, you can inquire with your employer about mentoring programs. You don’t need to be limited to one mentor either. This article shares some good ideas for what to look for in a mentoring relationship.
Play Online Games
While traditional card or board games are great, multiplayer online games are a fun virtual option to connect with friends far away! There are many online games and apps that allow you to compete with or against your friends, and many popular board games have online or app versions as well! Check out the Games section of wherever you purchase your phone apps for some ideas. Just remember to your best judgment when going for that strategic block or dispatching spiny blue shells…the goal is to still be friends after the summer is over.