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Making Social Connections in the Summer

You may think that because you are home away from your school friends, attending an online class, or on a near empty campus taking summer courses, means that you have to endure a bare social calendar. But that doesn’t have to be the case! There are tons of summer events organized by your school or local community where you can socialize and meet cool new people. And you have these cool tips about how to make social connections in the summer. Check them out below!

Participate in School Events

Since school is out and there’s no need to refresh your inbox for Blackboard alerts, you may not be checking your school email too often. But if you’re looking for ways to socialize with your peers, that’s exactly where you should be looking! Because somewhere in the summer email blasts there’s sure to be news about fun activities or events for students who want to connect over the summer. Oftentimes, there’s an invitation to a baseball game, movie night, or lunch in the park just waiting for you to accept it. The school may be closed but the student engagement team never rests! Just because you’re not taking classes doesn’t mean your school has forgotten about you. So you can expect an email or 5 informing you about exciting ways you can connect with other students either in person or over zoom.

Start a Conversation

If you’re spending summer on campus, try to connect with your fellow peers. It’s quite unlikely that you’re the only student who elected to stay at school for the summer break. There may be a few students who were unable to travel back home, people on sports teams who stayed back for training camp, or students with a summer term on-campus job. And just like you, they could be a little bored, homesick, or wishing there was somebody to chat with. Reach out to anyone you see on campus and ask if they happen to know about any events going on. Nothing spurns a new friendship like an old fashioned “hi, how’s it going”! If you’re taking summer classes, make an effort to befriend some of your classmates so you have someone to hang out with and complain about homework to.

Join a Virtual Club

First rule of virtual clubs is anyone can join from anywhere! (And it's actually encouraged that you do talk about it. Spread the word, gain more members!) There are plenty of activities you can participate in and connect with other people, right from your computer. This can be especially beneficial to the commuter students, the online students, and the students who traveled back home for break and now live far far FAR away. Interested in book clubs? Sitting in a circle is not actually required, you can meet via Zoom. Have you ever tried a virtual cooking club? They're extremely fun! All you need is a recipe to follow along and to keep your laptop away from the sink. Or you could join an honor society for whichever subject you're studying. You can attend virtual lectures, share and work towards career goals together, all from the comfort of your home. And if there aren’t any virtual clubs available, reach out to your Office of Student Life and ask to create one! Because building an online community with other people who share your same passions will certainly help you make new and everlasting friendships. So get out there...or technically stay inside and join a virtual club today!

Make a Reservation for One

Now it may sound a little absurd but if you’re lacking in social connections try going solo to places you enjoy or to events you think could be fun. It is true that people usually make the connections first and then go to places together but you can’t always wait for the friends to come to you. Sometimes you have to put yourself out there! It could be a concert, an art class, a bookstore event, anywhere. Go and strike up a conversation with the people you find there. And you know you’ll have something in common because you’ll have met at an event you both signed up for. Plus, people standing alone are like a beacon for outgoing people who love to make new friends. If you’re not willing to say hi first they definitely will! As a bonus, your solo excursions could lessen any discomfort with going places alone. If you regularly skip out on events to avoid going by yourself, this way you could gain the confidence to do the things you love while at the same time embracing the opportunity to meet new people.

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