Summer is a time synonymous with relaxation, rooftop yoga, going on a run…down the block to catch the ice cream truck. It’s a time to be enjoyed! So if you find yourself overwhelmed with stress or feeling all kinds of bodily aches and pains, that could be a sign you’re in need of some mental and physical care. Taking care of yourself is important and there’s plenty of ways to go about it. Here are a few tips that could help too!
Reach Out to a Professional
Seeking help from a professional is a great way to keep your mental/physical health in check. If you’re dealing with a personal issue that has demotivated you from enjoying your summer break, try reaching out to a counseling service to talk about how you feel. The campus counseling center might be closed for the summer but many schools have adopted a virtual mental health help service that you can take advantage of. In utilizing online counseling there’s a wide range of licensed professionals to choose from and have access to 24/7. Virtual healthcare also includes appointments with doctors for physical health issues. It is fairly common for people to skip their annual check up simply because they can’t fit a doctor’s office trip into their schedule. So a virtual appointment could be a convenient way to solve any physical health issue.
Get Out and Enjoy the Day
A great way to boost your mental health is to make time for relaxation and enjoyment of the summer weather. You’ve waited all year to be released from seasonal depression, to get an extra hour of sunlight, to trade in your puffer jackets in lieu of open toed shoes! Go outside and do something you enjoy! Save the uber eats promo code for another day and visit your favorite restaurant, charge that social battery and hang out with friends, or just take a long walk. The vitamin D and fresh air are sure to be a great stress reliever and help your body and mind feel better. When Netflix asks "are you still watching" say no! Those 24 tabs you have open? They’ll still be there when you get back! So go out and seize the day. A wise British singer/songwriter said it best, “live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten.”
*Please note Natasha Bedingfield is not a licensed mental health professional. She just makes fantastic music.
Make Some Changes to Your Environment
Perhaps in the past you’ve turned to cleaning as a tool of procrastination but what if this time you did it on purpose! Putting everything in its place, in addition to allowing you to see your bedroom floor can actually be kind of relaxing. If you’re sitting in your room day in and day out with not much to do and living amongst clutter, it can affect your mental health more than you think. Making a few changes to your environment can make you feel less cramped and even make your living space more comfortable. Perhaps you’re familiar with Marie Kondo’s cathartic cleaning methods or have watched one of those drawer organization time lapses. Take a page out of their book by clearing your room to clear your mind. It’ll be a new room and a new you!